Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Milgram's 3

For many Germans Colonel Count Claus von Stauffenberg is a hero. 65 years ago on July 20th he planted a bomb under Hitler's table with the purpose of overthrowing Hitler's regime. He was one of few people who refused to obey to authority and followed his conscience.

Indeed obedience to authority is an interesting aspect of human psychology. Stanley Milgram, an American psychologist, in 1961 conducted experiments that revealed how much humans tend to listen to orders instead of following their own ethical judgment.

The numbers are stunning, what is now widely known as Milgram's experiment showed that more than 60 percent of people obey to authority despite their deepest moral beliefs. (For those interested there is a movie created by Milgram named 'Obedience' or you can also see a modern replication of the experiment here). In the Milgram's experiment number 18 only 3 persons out 40 refused to obey and followed their conscience.

Clearly, Colonel Count Claus von Stauffenberg belongs to those 3.


sledge said...
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Anonymous said...

where's the 'Like' button? :))

Anonymous said...

I think it is only one situation about 'authority' in this test. we need to clearify authority more if moral bases on some premise.